Avatud E-R
Uusmaa tee 1-14 Peetri, Rae vald, Harjumaa
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Our Yoga studio

The Main Reasons to Practice Yoga

I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system.
  •  It can develop your physical and mental strength.
  • Meditation can change your life for the better.
  • It gets you in touch with your body.
Our yoga studio

Professional Certificates

Tulin proovima midagi uut, eelarvamusteta. Avastasin täiesti uue maailma inimese näol, kes suudab tukkuva energia ülesse äratada ja mind aidata. Iga kohtumine aitab mul jõuda tagasi punkti, kus tunnen, et olen palju rohkemaks suuteline ja minus on peidus nii erinevad maailmad. (Jaapani Shiki teraapia)

Eero Reinu

Eero Reinu

My session with Merike was super powerful and transformational. She’s very skilled and seasoned practitioner. She holds a strong yet very gentle and loving space, and was able to travel with me, and hold me, as I spiraled deep into my grief and sorrow. I can honestly say that session changed my life. I highly recommend Merike and her work. (De-armouring)

De’an Matuka

De-armouring Arts and LoveCore teacher / practitioner
De’an Matuka

Sa ikka wow… no ma ei tea… sellist asja oleks korra kuus vaja igal inimesel… Käisin 8 korda järjest psühholoogi vastuvõtul ja ootasin iga kord, et tuleks elus tunne minu sisse, ei tulnud. Nüüd piisas vaid ühest 1,5 tunnisest coachingust, et muutuseni jõuda. (Enesearengu juhtimine / coaching)

Keio Soosaar

Keio Soosaar